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Thermocoagulation: What Is It, How It Works & Why You Shoulder Consider It?

Timeless Electrolysis & Esthetics

What Is Thermocoagulation?

Thermocoagulation is a safe non-invasive process that will improve your skins appearance by reducing or eliminating unwanted skin blemishes or anomalies.

What Kind Of Skin Anomalies Can You Treat?

I can safely treat skin lesions like Senile Keratoses (liver spots), Pigmented Spots (sun or age spots), Milia, Moluscum Pendulum and Skin tags. I can also treat Blood anomalies like Cherry Angiomas, Campbell Spots, Spider Veins and Telangiectasia.

How Does Thermocogulation Work?

Thermocoagulation is a treatment that uses high-frequency current. It’s effects is based on heat. Heat is used to coagulate blood capillaries or skin anomalies. The current is restricted to the target area. Thus making sure that the tissue damage caused by the thermocoagulation is limited. Its non-invasive process makes it a popular alternative to other options.

What Is A Senile Keratosis?

It’s the most common noncancerous lesion. It is usually found on older adults. It looks like a waxy dry wart either brownish or blackish color. Senile Keratosis can be found on the face, chest, shoulders or back. It can have a slightly elevated appearance. Senile Keratosis are normally painless and are harmless. You may have them removed if they become irritated by clothing or for cosmetic reasons. We recommend that you get your keratosis cleared by a doctor before treatment.

What Is A Pigmented Spot/Hyperpigmentation?

Your skin gets its color from a pigment called melanin. When melanin production is increased or damaged it affects melanin production and causes hyperpigmentation. Hyperpigmentation is when there is darkening in an area of your skin. With Thermocoagulation, I can safely reduce or remove the pigmented lesion.

What Is Hilia Or Milk Spot?

Is a tiny raised white bump usually found around the eyes or nose. Milia is caused by a clogged sweat gland and is about the size of a pin head. They are keratin filled which feels like a small grain under your skin. They are easily removed using thermocoagulation. It is important to not mistaken milia spots for Xanthelasma. Xanthelasma is a benign anomaly that is often seen in older people afflicted with liver disease or elevated cholesterol. They usually have a yellowish tint to them.

What Is Moluscum Pendulum Or Skin Tags?

Skin tag is a small benign soft growth that protrudes from the surrounding skin. Skin tags can vary in appearance. They can be raised or somewhat flat and they are usually flesh color. You usually find skin tags or moluscum pendulum in friction area like the armpits, chest, and groin area. Skin tags are also found on eyelids. But they cannot be removed in that area because of the closeness to the eyes.

What Are Cherry Angiomas/Campbel Spots/Ruby Point?

Are small, permanent dilation of highly concentrated blood capillaries. Cherry’s can be flat to the skin or larger and slightly raised (Campbell spot). The diameter of a Cheery Angioma or Ruby Point can be so small that it is almost invisible. They are the most common vascular lesion. Their appearance is a like cherry red dot to purplish colour.

What Are Spider Veins?

Are visible dilated capillaries that have a spider like appearance. They have a red center and little tentacles emerging from the middle. Early treatment yields better results.

What Is Telangiectasia?

Are permanent dilated pre-capillaries that have lost their elasticity. They are visible through the skin and are somewhat enlarged. They are linear in form and the appearance of telangiectasia can lead to rosacea. The smaller the capillaries the better thermocoagulation will reduce or remove them.

What Are The Causes Of Blood Related Skin Anomalies?

Genetics and the environment plays a huge part in blood related skin anomalies (excessive and strenuous activities, extreme temperature variation and sun exposure). Age, medication and injury are also common causes for the unattractive blood vessels and spots.

What Are The Causes Of Skin Anomalies?

Like the blood related anomalies, skin blemishes are often genetically linked. Lesions like skin tags are usually caused by friction and pigmented lesions are caused by sun damages and aging.

What Are The Contraindications?

Yes, there are contraindications to thermocoagulation. A thorough consultation is required to provide a safe treatment plan. For skin lesions like pigmented spots, a recommendation from your physician is required before treatment.



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